Melbourne Doula

Welcome to 'Melbourne Doula', the place where I share what birth work is teaching is me, and what I am learning from the wonderful families who have invited me to share this most special season of their lives. Here you will find information about me and the doula services I provide, birth stories from remarkable women and their loved ones, as well as all kinds of resources to enrich your own journey of discovery. And welcome also to BLISSFUL HERBS, the home of beautiful herbal teas and bath herbs to support wellness through every season of life.

Birth Spirituality

There is something about giving birth, or witnessing the woman you love give birth, that causes us to be mindful of the spiritual dimension to life in a deeper, keener way than we normally know in everyday life. It seems that we are more sensitive to the things of the spirit around the time of birth - how similar this is to other significant steps in the circle of life - such as at the time of joining our lives with our beloved, and at the time of death.

The birth of this perfect, tiny person seems such a miracle. How can someone so little be so strong? How can someone so innocent be so unfathomably wise?

I have noticed many couples find that the spiritual aspect of their lives becomes important to them around the time that their childrn are born. This was also true for my husband and I. As Christians, we believe that we are created body, soul and spirit. It seems to me that as adults, in our modern world, we compartmentalise the different aspects of our person. But the very young, the very old, and the very weak amongst us seem to do this less. They seem so much more integrated. The body affects and is affected by, the soul, and the soul by the spirit. Well-being cannot be achieved by only paying attention to one part but not the others. When I worked as a paediatric nurse, I noticed how children who were injured emotionally or in their spirit would manifest physical symptoms that couldn't be explained medically. I've heard of old people who have pined for their departed mate and quietly followed in a few months.

Birth is an immensely physical activity, involving intense highs and lows of emotional experience, and for most people, it is also a time of special significance spiritually. It is a very private part of our being, and different people express this in different ways. For us, it was a time when we experienced the presence of God, the guidance of God and the protection of God in such a deep way that we could only fall more in love with Him.

In this chapter of my blog, I would like to share some of our experiences. Feel free to add your comments, I would love to hear from you, as I am sure you will have similar stories to tell.

ANCIENT GATES - Prayers & Promises for Pregnancy & Birth - blessings cards, spoken meditations and worship music for labour and birth.


Praying for a birth - prayers and scriptures

Here is the story of our first baby's birth:
Listening to Rain - the birth of Talitha

This is the story of the birth of our second baby:
Where the Spirit of the Lord is - the birth of Saoirse Deborah

And this is Hadassah's birth story:
For Such a Time as This - the birth of Hadassah Dara

Here is an article I wrote about enjoying your 'Babymoon'.
Your Fourth Trimester - Going gently as you heal after childbirth.

This is the story of losing our little 4th baby at 11 weeks. Emmanuel was with us through this precious experience.
A great white bird takes flight - farewelling Roisin

And here is the story of our 5th pregnancy and 4th earthside baby, also the story of very human fear and frailty, and the help and comfort of God in that frailty.
Might to Save - the birth of Ruaidhri Zephaniah


Anonymous said...

So great to see your website Julie!!
It really is so wonderful to hear about other Christian Doulas out there. Hopefully I'll get to meet you one day!

Ali Maegraith

Bek said...

Thanks you for sharing your beautiful stories and testimony to the power of Christ's love.

Peri said...

In Prayer today, I got the call to be a Christian Doula. (After finding out what it was) I am glad to find such other people exist.
Perhaps in a few years when I am ready for such undertaking, I will get to meet you.
Until then may the Lord pour many blessings be on you, your family and the families you work with.