Melbourne Doula

Welcome to 'Melbourne Doula', the place where I share what birth work is teaching is me, and what I am learning from the wonderful families who have invited me to share this most special season of their lives. Here you will find information about me and the doula services I provide, birth stories from remarkable women and their loved ones, as well as all kinds of resources to enrich your own journey of discovery. And welcome also to BLISSFUL HERBS, the home of beautiful herbal teas and bath herbs to support wellness through every season of life.

Birth Stories

Here are a collection of birth stories from women whom I had the great honour of attending.

Clare's Homebirth
When I met Clare she was pregnant with her fifth child. Clare's birthing history was rich with experience, two hospital births, one birth centre birth, and a homebirth. Eternally moved by her fourth birth experience and the beautiful memory of her children all gathered round to greet their new sibling, Clare decided once again to have a homebirth.

Carrie's Vaginal Birth After Caesarean

Sarah's Home Lotus Birth
After extensive research and preparation Sarah and Andrew decided to have their first baby at home. I was one of the doulas they chose to accompany them through their amazing journey. Every birth and every mother teaches me something, and this unique journey to birth had much to teach us all. Jo, the other doula present at this birth, had also given birth to her first born at home, just as I did, ten years ago in Ireland.

Listening to Rain...Our Births
And this is a montage of my birth experiences